“Here, "Hold My Kid” – Hilarious Movie Showcases That Moms Don’t Have to Hang Up Their Skis

SNOWBRAINSIn this hilarious teaser for the film “Here, Hold My Kid,” mother Elyse Saugstad challenges societal expectations by continuing to send it. With a belief in the significance of women’s sports, she highlights the importance of supporting one another. The clip features a friendly competition between her and Jackie Paaso, emphasizing their different levels of competitiveness.

COMING SOON: Two professional skiers, two new mothers, one sponsorship. A quirky documentary style film capturing the highs and lows of two women determined to succeed with side-splitting, hilarious moments.

Starring: Elyse Saugstad, Jackie Paaso, Cody Townsend, Reine Barkered, Leanne Pelosi, Indiana Townsend & Tor Paaso.

Written, directed, filmed and edited by: Adam Gendle, John Verity & Hersha Patel.

Brett St Clair